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HomeConference NewsSeptember 2023 Game Industry Events Calendar

September 2023 Game Industry Events Calendar

Happy September Spree! Wow, what a list of events this month! We’ve achieved a new record of how many events you can attend in a month (go ahead, we dare you to attend all of these at once!), thanks to your contributions in submitting events to the calendar.

In the beginning of the year we saw more online and hybrid events, but now we seem to be accelerating a bit towards getting right back to onsite attendance. The month is about what we expected a September to be from years past pre-pandemic… for existing events. We’ve seen a bunch of new events come onto the stage as well.

Are hybrid and online events a thing of the past? Absolutely not, but the expectation that there would ever been an “all online event industry” is a fantasy.

We’ll often highight a ‘Top Event’ to showcase, but there are just so many this month to choose from. For B2C conventions, take a look at PAX West, SaltCON, and Tokyo Game Show among others. For conferences, take your pick, they are all rather great events with their own unique qualities.

Check out this month’s event list below. You can also click here for the main calendar that includes events into 2023 and beyond.

September 1 The MIX NEXT (Hybrid)
1: Games Helsinki
1-3: SaltCON End of Summer
1-4: Gateway Strategicon (Online)
1-4: PAX West
3-6: Promised Land Art Festival (Hybrid)
5-6: Mobidictum Business Conference (Hybrid)
6-8: Games Industry Law Summit Vilnius
6-8: External Development Summit (XDS)
8-10: PPG CON
11: Leadership Day by IGDA Finland
12-13: Pocket Game Connects Helsinki (Hybrid)
12-13: WN Conference Cyprus (Hybrid)
13-16: EVA Argentina
14: Hyper Games Meet-up India (Hybrid)
14: Games Summit India
14-16: W.A.S.D. September
15-16: Indieway September (Hybrid)
15-17: Latinx Games Festival
20-22: Games NexTech Convention
21-24: Game Connection Online Tokyo
21-24: Tokyo Game Show (Hybrid)
21-24: MeetToMatch – The Tokyo Edition (Hybrid)
25-27: D.I.C.E. Reykjavik
25-27: Games Gathering Bratislava
25-30: Gamathon (Online)
27-28: Horizon(s)
27-28: HR Summit (Hybrid)
27-29: LEVEL UP KL (Hybrid)
27-30: Game Devs of Color Expo (Online)
28: MGS Games
28-October 1: Terra MysticCon
30-October 8: Melbourne International Games Week (Hybrid)

Which events are you attending this month? Let us know by commenting on this article here or on Twitter and Facebook!

Mathew Anderson
Mathew Anderson
Mathew Anderson is the CEO / Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Events for Gamers, the only exclusive event calendar for B2B Conferences and B2C Conventions in the computer game industry.

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