Hello January Juxtaposition. We mention the term ‘Juxtaposition’ because of the state the game industry is in currently. We are STILL neck-deep in company’s laying off good people, and it saddens us greatly. Three years into this doldrums and at first glance 2025 is not looking like it may be much better.
We believe 2025 will be better though. Why? Because it has to be. This isn’t a scientific consensus or even a rational argument, but it is a statement filled with hope and determination that if we all help each other progress forward, forward we will march. To that end, please continue the support of Amir Satvat’s Gaming Community and others like it to help developers in need.
Meanwhile, attending events and networking is the next best thing you can do to help out your career enter its next stage. We’ve put together yet another great list of events you can attend for the coming month. January is the beginning of a new year with new opportunities. Seize them!
Many of the listed events are included in the calendar thanks to your contributions in submitting events to the calendar. We are also looking for folks who want to get some editorial experience (or just prestige of attending an event) by writing about their event experiences (or simply taking photos showcasing an event you are attending). Let us know if you want to contribute! Thank you so much for continuing to support us! |
January 7-10: CES | B2C | Las Vegas, NV USA
19: Shovel Knight Live | B2C | Los Angeles, CA USA
20-21: Pocket Gamer Connects London | B2B | London, UK
20-26: Global Game Jam | MIX | Online
21: 14th Annual New York Game Awards | B2B | New York, NY USA
23-24: Asia Pacific Game Summit | B2B | Nangang, Taiwan
23-26: Super MAGFest | B2C | National Harbor, Maryland USA
23-26: Taipei Game Show | B2C | Nangang, Taiwan
28-30: Arctic Game Dev | B2B | Umea, Sweden
Visit the main event calendar that includes events throughout the year and beyond.
Which events are you attending this month? Let us know by commenting on this article here or on Twitter and Facebook!
New Beta View!
We’ve made some additions to the overview, including a new test view of the events right from the calendar itself listed below.
There are no upcoming events at this time