Replaying Japan 2025, hosted by Nagoya Zokei University, is organized in collaboration with the Ritsumeikan Center for Game Studies, the University of Alberta, the University of Delaware, Bath Spa University, Seijoh University, DiGRA Japan, and Liege Game Lab. This conference focuses broadly on Japanese game culture, education, and industry. It aims to bring together a wide range of researchers and creators from many different countries to present and exchange their work.
The main theme of the conference this year will be “Local Communities, Digital Communities and Video Games in Japan.” With the recent interest in the Metaverse and the continuing popularity of titles with strong social elements, digital games are seen more and more as social platforms in their own rights — virtual meeting spaces for digital communities. At the same time, from department store rooftop amusement parks and pachinko parlours, to living room and portable consoles, the history of gaming in Japan is inextricably tied with the changing social fabric of local communities.
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