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Indie Prize Winners for Casual Connect Asia Have Been Revealed!

The judges at for the Indie Prize at Casual Connect Asia had a hard time choosing 86 participants from more than 200 submissions.

“It’s not only about the games. It is about the game designers, artists and audio directors, managers, and software developers,” said Indie Prize organizer Yuliya Moshkaryova at the Indie Prize awards ceremony at the Shanghai Dolly in Singapore.

Here’s the full list of winners:

Best Game Audio — Walkr — Galaxy Adventure in Your Pocket by Fourdesire

Most Innovative Game — Screencheat by Samurai Punk

Best Game Design — SKARA: The Blade Remains by 8 Bit Studio

Best Game ArtPlanet Alpha 31 by Adrian Lazar

Most Promising Game in Development — Planet Alpha 31 by Adrian Lazar

Best Game Narrative — An Octave Higher by Kidalang

Best Multiplayer Game — Screencheat by Samurai Punk

Best Kids and Family Game — Veggiedog Story by Lunarcraftgames

Best in Show — Critic’s Choice – Planet Alpha 31 – Adrian Lazar

Best in Show: Audience Choice — Tiny Guardians by Kurechii

The winners received prizes from Microsoft, Photon Cloud, Unity, Plantronics, Intel,
GameFounders, SoftLayer and BlogsRelease.

The next Indie Prize will take place August 11-13, 2015, in San Francisco.

Casual Connect Asia 2015: Microsoft Confirms No Forward Plans for Malaysia with Xbox One

From During its keynote yesterday, Microsoft Asia Pacific (APAC) had shed new insights into how the upcoming Windows 10 operating system (OS) would integrate games – primary hardcore focused, casual lead, and mobile-centric – into the converged platform it is aiming for. It was right after its keynote, during an impromptu question-and-answer session that Microsoft confirmed with Team that it has no plans to bring Xbox One into Malaysia.


Q&A: George Takei Talks to About Comicpalooza, ‘Allegiance’ interviewed George Takei as he was preparing for Comicpalooza in Houston. Here is a snippet of the Q&A:

Q: What keeps you motivated and inspired to tackle new things like “Allegiance”?

A: Life is a continuous series of reinventions. Mother Nature does it for you. You age. I’m no longer what I was when I did “Star Trek,” but you find new things to engage you. My mission in life has been to tell the story and raise the awareness of the internment of innocent Japanese-Americans, simply because we happen to look like the people that bombed Pearl Harbor. It was a most unconstitutional act. And because we really haven’t learned from it, something similar happened to Arab-Americans after 9/11. At the core, it’s racism. The word “Ferguson” appears regularly in headlines. It’s a very relevant story.

Q: You’ve also used your platform to educate people on equal rights.

A: We’re living through one phase of our history. But remember there was another phase of our history where black people were used as property, as chattel. We fought a bloody war over it, and that eliminated slavery. But racism still existed. Still to this day, there are efforts to make voting by African-Americans as difficult as possible. The LGBT issue today is just like the slavery issue at one time or racial segregation during the Jim Crow years. We have to work to make our society a better society, a better democracy, to let people have full opportunity to be who they are.

Q: How is your husband adjusting to his own celebrity after the 2014 documentary “To Be Takei” and your Web series, “It Takes Two”?

A: He steals it, doesn’t he? He’s a funny guy. You know he gets recognized on the street. People want selfies with him. They ignore me. I’m absolutely delighted by that.

Q: Did Betty White offer any tips for staying youthful when you appeared on “Hot in Cleveland”?

A: Isn’t she amazing? She’s in her 90s, and there she is. Another one of my heroes is Angela Lansbury. Every season, she’s on Broadway in a new play. She’s a real trooper. They’re my inspirations, and I hope that I can be functioning like that when I’m their age. My grandmother lived to 104, and I hope I have her genes. One night she went to bed, and the next morning, she didn’t wake up. That’s the way I want to do it.

Q: What comes to mind when you think of Houston?

A: I remember being there on a blazing-hot summer weekday. During lunch hours, I saw runners in that murderous sun. These people, running in that kind of weather, could be courting disaster. It’s not a healthy climate to be running in. I used to be a runner. I had a running accident, and now my doctor has forbidden running for me.


A Houston Comicpalooza Scavenger Hunt has a list of some of the geekiest people, creatures and items that you could ever hope to find at Comicpalooza. Check off the ones you discover. If you find 20, your geekhood is solidified. Tweet and Instagram your photos with #Comicpalooza.


Tokyo Indie Fest: Japan’s Indie Scene Showing Green Shoots

Tokyo’s scene is still reliant on its Western expat progenitors.

From For better or worse, Akihabara isn’t what it used to be. The last remnant of the old maze of tiny stores selling electronics and components, from which the area’s semi-official title of “Electric Town”, clings on to a patch near the station, but it’s clear that it’s on life support, as are the remaining small stores selling videogame, technology or manga-related curiosities. More of them shut every year, often followed by the demolition of the building they inhabited to clear ground for another gleaming tower. The gentrification of an area that was once a thermocline between thriving subcultures and Tokyo’s true underworld marches inexorably forward.

One of the most obvious outcomes of that gentrification is Akihabara UDX, a towering office and conference space that has sprung up alongside a new paved square outside Akihabara Station’s Electric Town exit. It’s here, in a small glass-walled exhibition hall facing out over the second floor walkway, that the inaugural Tokyo Indie Fest was held last weekend, bringing together several dozen indie developers to demonstrate their games on the busy show floor.


A New ‘Doom’ Will Be Shown at E3 2015

A new trailer was recently released showing signs that a new Doom is in the works. Bethesda and id Software plan to fully unveil the game at E3 2015. One of the returning features for the game is the Super Shotgun. The second returning feature is the return of the Revenants, which were classic “Doom” villains. The last Doom game was “Doom 3” in 2004. Bethesda’s event at E3 2015 will take place on June 14. The main character will be more agile and can perform double jumps. The main character will also be able to vault over obstacles.

Here is a link to the teaser trailer:

Visit E3 2015’s website to view more events:

E3 2015: Experience the Evolution

From The video game industry’s influence will be on display once again in June, when E3 – the world’s premier tradeshow for computer, video and mobile games – takes place.

More than just a launch pad for industry defining hardware and software, E3 brings together tens of thousands of the best, brightest and most innovative professionals in the interactive entertainment industry, serving up games, peripherals and new platforms on which to enjoy them.

Now is a good time though to reflect on how video games and the industry have evolved.

Contrary to what non-gamers might think, gaming isn’t just for young boys anymore.

In fact, it hasn’t been for some time now, especially with the explosive growth of gaming on mobile devices, which has helped bring the videogame experience to a much broader and diverse audience.

The changing face of gamers

Today’s video games provide rich, engaging entertainment across all platforms and has evolved into a true mass market with 59% of Americans actively playing along, according to the 2014 Essential Facts About the Computer and Video Game Industry report by the Entertainment Software Association (ESA); owners of E3.

In a sign of the industry’s continuing maturation, the average gamer isn’t a teen boy as one might think, but rather a 31-year old adult who’s been playing for at least 14 years.

Even more surprising is that in an industry traditionally dominated by males, nearly half (48%) of all gamers are female.

The ESA’s report further reveals that women over the age of 18 represent a significantly greater portion of the game-playing population (36%) than boys age 18 or younger (17%).

The console wars get mobilized

While PC and video game consoles still reign among hard core gamers, the industry has broadened significantly its platform footprint over the years to include smart phones and gaming “in the cloud,” among other innovative advancements.

E3 – the heart of the gaming world in sunny Los Angeles

Reports show 44% of gamers play games on their smartphone, and 33% play on their wireless devices (e.g. iPad, laptop).

An American event with global implications

Video games are a strong engine for economic growth. Computer and video game companies directly and indirectly employ more than 146,000 people across the U.S.

Computer and video game companies directly and indirectly employ more than 146,000 people across the U.S.

In addition, from 2009 to 2012, the U.S. video game industry increased in size by more than 9 percent – four times the growth rate of the U.S. economy during the same period.

As the single most important event for international interactive entertainment companies seeking to do business in North America, E3 gives European and Asian publishers, developers and attendees an opportunity to maximize their own internal investments to a broader audience.

As in prior years, what happens at E3 2015 will directly impact the future of the international gaming market.

More than the bottom line

Beyond engaging entertainment, video games help drive societal advancements. A study out of East Carolina University found a 57% decrease in depressive symptoms among those who played casual video games.

On the education front, 70% of teachers who use games in their classroom noted that video games increased students’ motivation and engagement levels.

With the advent of smart TVs with large HD screens and surround sound audio, video games have found a special place in the center of American’s living rooms.

E3 – never stop playing

What was once relegated to bedrooms, basements and playrooms, video games have become a source of family entertainment, with parents, children, and even grandparents all vying for the controls.

The majority of parents (56%) interviewed said video games are a positive part of their child’s life, while 88% think that game play is fun for the whole family, and 75% believe playing games offers a good opportunity to connect with their child.

Looking Ahead

As E3 2015 comes closer, it is clear that the video game industry, with its impact on the economy, culture, entertainment, education and the family dynamic, continues to play an ever-important role in our lives.


Visit to read more.

DevGAMM Moscow 2015 Kicks Off May 15

The international conference for game developers and publishers DevGAMM Moscow 2015 will be held in Moscow on May 15-16.

Over 1,500 game industry professionals from all over the world will gather at Radisson Slavyanskaya Hotel.

This time 95% of sessions at DevGAMM Moscow 2015 will be dedicated to development, art, game design, programming, sound design, postmortems and porting to all kinds of platforms (Xbox, PlayStation, Wii U, Steam, Facebook, etc.).

Must-attend list:

  • Grzegorz Mazur, 11bit studios – “This War of Mine: Under the hood”
  • Linnea Harrison, EA DICE – “Battlefield 4: Creating a more dynamic Battlefield”
  • Daniel Rosenfeld, C418 – “Creating the music for Minecraft and designing sound by playing games”
  • Mike Rose, tinyBuild – “Twitch and beyond: Getting the new dictators of video to play your game”
  • Wolf Lang, THREAKS – “Successful with the first game? The weird story of Beatbuddy”
  • Rami Ismail, Vlambeer – “LUFTRAUSERS: from development to PlayStation release”
  • Michael Charles Swanson, Bigpoint – “Game of Thrones: Bringing Westeros to life”

One of the most anticipated events of the conference is an exclusive Russian premiere of GameLoading: Rise of the Indies, the feature documentary exploring the world of indie game developers, which will take place at 6.30 p.m. on May 15th in the Conference Hall.

Other activities

DevGAMM Moscow 2015 will provide developers with a traditional set of opportunities. Meet 20 publishers during one hour and show them your game at Speed Game Dating.

Showcase your game for free at GAMM:Play Showcase and still be able to visit lectures and have fun. Submit a game to win the contest and get valuable prizes at the DevGAMM Awards.

Parties and networking are a part of what makes the conference so useful. Casual atmosphere provides for establishing business connections, finding new partners and sometimes even assembling a dream team.

DevGAMM conference is a place to connect indie developers, game designers, programmers, artists, business development managers, recruiters, journalists and everyone involved in game industry in any way.

Register now. Tickets from $95.

The conference is organized by Renatus Media, LLC.

May 2015 Game Industry Conferences and Other Events

To help you plan attendance for this month’s game industry conferences, conventions, and other events, we post a monthly consolidated list of game industry events at the beginning of each month. View the complete event list below for the rest of the year!

May 2015 Game Industry Conferences and Other Events:

Click here for the main calendar view.

29-1: Unlocking Gaming Summit
29-1: Microsoft Build
2: Game Loop
2: iFest
2: Unity 5 Roadshow
4: Star Wars May The 4th Be With You
4-8: Eurographics
6: LA Game Conference
6-7: NeuroGaming
11-12: Midwest Gaming Classic
11-12: Pocket Gamer Connects
12-13: Apps World North America
12-14: SaltCon
13: MIT Enterprise Forum
15: Indievelopment
15-16: DevGAMM Moscow
15-17: TwoFiveSix
18: Game Developers Lounge
18-19: Silicon Valley VR Conference & Expo
19-20: Wearable World
19-21: Casual Connect Singapore
20-21: InsideAR San Francisco
20-22: Nordic Game
21: Game-o-Rama
21-22: Digital Dragons
22: GameX Strategicon
22: 10th Annual Game Marketing Summit
22-24: Stunfest
22-25: Comicpalooza
22-25: KublaCon
22-24: Stunfest
23-25: Denver Comic Con
24-26: Ottawa International Game Conference
25: CES Asia
27-28: Videogames Economic Forum
28-29: GMASA
28-31: MomoCon
28-31: Phoenix Comicon

This list is obtained from the main calendar. Did we miss an event? Let us know!

‘Mafia 3’ Could Be Revealed at E3 2015


Rumors abound that a gameplay trailer for “Mafia 3” could be shown at E3 2015 in Los Angeles in June. The game supposedly is in development for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 (PS4) and PC.

Rick Pasqualone teased a few months back that “Mafia 3” was coming out. When fans first heard the news, there was a lot of excitement, but nothing has been heard since.

The open-world element, the prohibition-era setting and the gangster drama makes “Mafia 3” truly unique. The game also is being built on the Unreal 4 Engine.

“Mafia 2” was a very good game with a deep story, so “Mafia 3” has some great potential. Online retailer Play-Asia stirred some more news about “Mafia 3” by saying that the game is listed for PS4 and Xbox One.

Check out this trailer on YouTube:

Check out more E3 2015 news at

Square Enix Will Host a Press Conference at E3 2015


Square Enix has been really busy over the past few months. The company has been in heavy development with “Final Fantasy XV” and is finally putting “Just Cause 3” in development.

Square Enix announced that it will hold a press conference June 16, 2015, just before E3 2015 kicks off. The press conference can be watched on Twitch and YouTube.

Check out more details about E3 2015 at

10th Annual Game Marketing Awards Winners Announced

Activision’s Jonathan Anastas Named Co-Chair of Game Marketing Summit

SAN FRANCISCO and FRAMINGHAM, Mass. – April 23, 2015 – The Game
Marketing Awards®
(GMA), the first and only U.S. program that honors the finest work created
by marketing and creative professionals in the video game community,
announced the winners for its 10th annual awards celebrating best practices
in marketing, promotion and advertising for the interactive game and
entertainment community. Presented by GMS sponsor, visual identity and
motion graphics partner, Ayzenberg, GMA winners include Ubisoft, 2K, Ant
Farm, Heat, AKQA, Microsoft Xbox, Activision and Edelman.

“On behalf of the GMS Board of Governors and IDG World Expo, we offer our
sincere congratulations to the 2015 Game Marketing Award winners,” said
Mary Dolaher, Chief Executive Officer of IDG World Expo, owner of the Game
Marketing Summit. “Every year game marketers astonish us with their
incredible creativity and technical achievements, and their ability to
reach a unique audience that is continually evolving. These marketers are
truly the visionaries in their field, and we are proud to recognize them
and to put their work in the spotlight for others to see.”

In addition to the GMA winners, IDG World Expo announced that Jonathan
Anastas, Vice President of Global Brand Marketing and Head of Digital &
Social Media at Activision has been named Co-Chair of the Game Marketing
Board of Governors for GMS. In this role, he will preside over the Board
of Directors, the governing body of the Game Marketing Summit that oversees
key organizational activities. Jonathan will serve alongside fellow
co-chair Kym Nelson, Senior Vice President of West Coast Sales at Twitch.

“We are thrilled to welcome Jonathan Anastas to the GMS Board of
Governors,” said Marci Yamaguchi Hughes, General Manager of the Game
Marketing Summit. “Jonathan has been incredibly supportive of GMS, and has
extensive experience in helping to create some of the industry’s most
important games and marketing initiatives. We know that his leadership will
prove invaluable in the months to come.

GMA winners were selected by a jury of world-class interactive
entertainment marketing leaders, with honorees announced at a special
ceremony immediately following the 2015 Game Marketing Summit® (GMS), which
took place yesterday, April 22nd, in San Francisco at the Yerba Buena
Center for the Arts. A partial list of winners of the 9th Annual Game
Marketing Awards includes:

Game Marketing Agency of the Year

Ant Farm

Game Marketing Team of the Year


Outstanding TV or Theatrical Ad

Heat – Titanfall “Shadow”

Outstanding Overall Marketing Campaign of the Year

Ubisoft – Watch Dogs

Outstanding Marketing – Free to Play

Sony Online Entertainment – PlanetSide 2

Best Overall Advertising Campaign

Xbox – Forza Horizon 2

Best Use of Influencers Integration

Ubisoft – Just Dance 2015 & Tyler Oakley

Best Game Footage Trailer

Ant Farm – Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare – Reveal

Outstanding Promotional Trailer

Ubisoft – Assassin’s Creed Unity E3 Trailer – Lorde CG Video

Outstanding Promotional Trailer – Mobile Games

Kabam Inc – Marvel Contest of Champions New York Comic-Con Trailer

Best Key Art

2K – Sid Meier’s Civilization: Beyond Earth

Best Website for a Product

Ubisoft & AKQA – Watch Dogs Digital Show

Best Limited Edition, Special Edition or Collector’s Edition

PETROL & Activision – Destiny Ghost Edition

Best Product Logo

Team One & 2K – Evolve Logo

Standout Outdoor Advertising

Blizzard Entertainment – Gorehowl Cab

Thinking Outside of the Box

Heat & Grow – GIFerator

For a complete list of winners or more information about the 10th Annual
Game Marketing Awards, visit
Information is also available on Facebook and Twitter at or use #GMS15.

About Game Marketing Summit

As the world’s largest interactive game marketing
gathering, the Game Marketing Summit
celebrates marketing excellence overall, while providing an all-inclusive
forum for common thought, bond and community. Owned by IDG World Expo, GMS
is a one-day event that brings together leading game industry marketing and
brand executives to discuss, deliberate, debate and celebrate the issues,
opportunities and successes driving the interactive entertainment
industry, culminating with the Game Marketing Awards Show where top
creative work produced by and for the video game marketing community is
showcased and honored.

About IDG World Expo

IDG World Expo ( is an award-winning producer of
tradeshows and events for professionals and consumers seeking world-class
education, strategic business relationships, and access to industry-leading
products, people, and services. IDG World Expo’s portfolio of conferences
and events includes the MacIT® Conference, Electronic Entertainment Expo®
(E3®), Digital Entertainment World (DEW), the Game Marketing Summit® (GMS),
Anime Expo®, BlogHer, BlogHer Food, Techmanity, and Macworld Mobile. IDG
World Expo is a business unit of IDG, the world’s leading technology media,
research and event company.

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