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CTA Changes Security Rules for CES 2016


Officials at Consumer Technology Association, the group behind the Consumer Electronics Show, announced new security rules for CES 2016, including bag checks, body screening and increased security personnel.

According to the official announcement, there are no credible threats to CES 2016, but there will be delays for attendees entering the event facilities.

The announcement comes on the heels of similar news that major theme parks, including Disney World, Universal and SeaWorld, are stepping up their security. Both the theme park changes and new security rules for CES are in response to increased attacks in public places, such as the San Bernardino shooting.

“We want you to have a safe CES experience. We are implementing these enhanced measures with the goal of maintaining the safety of all of our guests — attendees, exhibitors, members of the media — and show personnel while creating as little inconvenience as possible.”

Bags at CES

If you plan on being at CES, you may want to travel to the show light. Attendees will no longer be able to bring luggage or suitcases into official CES exhibit and conference areas, and rolling bags are not allowed. If you need something to carry stuff in, you’re only allowed two bags, each smaller than 12 inches by 17 inches by 6 inches. Officials may allow some exceptions for some exhibitors and press members.

Expect to have any bags you bring searched; all bags taken to CES will be searched. Officials recommend using clear bags to speed things along and to avoid bringing backs with a lot of pockets.

Security at CES

CTA also will be setting up checkpoints throughout the Las Vegas Convention Center, and everyone attending CES 2016 will have to go through a metal detector and possibly a body pat-down. Attendees should expect to see more security and law enforcement personnel around the event properties. There also will be explosive detection dogs on the premises, and some police officers may be in armored gear.

If you are going to CES, rest easy and let security do the work. It’s still Las Vegas, and enjoying yourself is usually mandatory.

CES 2016 takes place January 6-9, 2016, in Las Vegas.

IMGA Adds Virtual Reality to Entries as Competition Opens


The International Mobile Gaming Awards, an annual celebration of the games mobile developers dream up and create for over a decade, is inviting developers to submit their work for evaluation for the 12th edition of the IMGA. Mobile developers, indie studios or publishers can submit their work before, or by, the deadline of the end of the year, December 31, 2015.

Virtual reality, as a hyped and fast-growing segment in the games marketplace, is the latest category to be added to IMGA’s competition categories. Samsung has made an aggressive play with its mobile VR headset for a larger market, by aiming for the sub-$100 market. Google Cardboard has, since 2014, represented the least expensive peripheral option for developers and consumers to access the mobile VR experience. Furthermore, in 2016, some of the most anticipated VR hardware will make their splash — namely, the HTC Vive, Oculus Rift and SonyPlayStation VR. Developers are invited to submit their VR work, whether released in 2015 or still a work-in-progress.

Among the judges will be representatives from well-known brands in and around the business of games, Supercell, King, ARM and Microsoft as well as journalists from equally well-known media outlets Pocket Gamer and VentureBeat. The first round of judging will be held in Marseille, France, January 25-26, 2016.

IMGA has a longstanding history of recognizing those game developers who are tackling emerging categories across mobile games. We’ve nominated hit games the likes of “Candy Crush Saga,” “Clash of Clans” and “Angry Birds” ahead of their respective category peaks and hope to dig up the same champions for the VR category. With mobile VR games being the critical tool in introducing the masses to VR, it’s more important now than ever to recognize those who are setting the best tone, raising the standards and truly defining the space,” said IMGA founder Maarten Noyons, in a news release.

The winners of the International Mobile Gaming Awards will be announced in March 2016 in San Francisco, most likely in or around the 2016 Game Developers Conference.

‘Assassin’s Creed’ HD Collection Announcement Possible at E3 2016

Many gamers are wondering if Ubisoft is working on an “Assassin’s Creed” HD collection. Based on the fact that the company registered a new domain, it is possible.

A user on NeoGAF first noticed the site, listed as It is owned and operated by

Since the company has made a few remakes for current-gen consoles, it would be beneficial for Ubisoft to make a collection of older “Assassin’s Creed” games for PS4 and Xbox One. The registration could mean that the company plans to release the collection in late 2016 or early 2017.

If Ubisoft is actually working on this project, we may see an announcement at E3 2016.

Possible games for this collection include “Assassin’s Creed 2,” “Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood” and “Assassin’s Creed: Revelations.”

E3 2016 takes place June 14-16, 2016, in Los Angeles.

Logitech G Announces Arx Control Developer Challenge

The Whippering Indie Cup, a first-year indie game developer showcase and contest event, has kicked out some fresh news at the event that might be of interest to code warriors of all stripes. Logitech G, one of the sponsors and exhibitors at the Whippering Indie Cup, is promoting the Arx Control app at its booth.

The app is designed to present a wide variety of in-game info, intel and stats on your mobile device. While any keyboard on the hardware side or mobile device on the software side is compatible, Logitech naturally does recommend its G410 Atlas Spectrum TKL mechanical gaming keyboard and the Logitech G910 Orion Spark mechanical keyboard, both of which feature an adjustable dock for mobile devices. The Arx Control app is available for download on both Android and iOS.

On the creation side, through the Arx Control SDK, developers can create customized apps to shuttle content between mobile devices and their games. Valve Software is one of the AAA developers on board to integrate Arx Control into its games. From the app creation side is where, Logitech hopes, you, the developers of the world, come in:

Today, in conjunction with its presence — and focus — at Whippering Cup, the gaming division of the well-known computer and mobile accessories company is hosting the global Arx Control Challenge as a throwdown to developers to create the best Arx Control app for a shot at $5,000 as the top prize. First, second and third places get social media exposure up the wazoo and a full set of Logitech G Gear. The contest runs December 9, 2015, to February 29, 2016.

All the Arx Control Challenge details, rules and FAQ, and more can be found at the official Arx promo page.

The Whippering Indie Cup runs through 6 p.m. December 10, 2015, at the The Regency Ballroom in San Francisco.

CES Asia 2016 to Include Startup Park Exhibition


CES Asia 2016 will include a new exhibition called Startup Park: The Home for Startup Innovation. Some of the latest ideas and innovations from entrepreneurs will be showcased at this new addition.

Startup Park, modeled after Eureka Park Marketplace at CES in Las Vegas, will have new projects, service and ideas from startups looking to gain exposure in the Asian marketplace.

Startup Park can be found at SNIEC Hall N4. For exhibitors to participate in this area, they must meet these requirements:

  • Technology displayed must applicable to consumer technology.
  • Technology cannot already be commercially available.
  • The technology must be demonstrable as a prototype or software mockup; no paper/concept entries.
  • Participation is not limited to researchers and startups. Exhibiting organizations may have other commercial technologies as long as the technology shown in Startup Park meets these criteria
  • Must be a first-time exhibitor at CES Asia

CES Asia 2016 takes place May 11-13, 2016, in Shanghai.

PAX Australia 2016 Badges on Sale Now

The following is an edited press release from PAX Australia:

PAX Australia 2016 badges are now on sale and will be available at a special Christmas discount price until midnight December 24, 2015. Three-day badges sell out quickly, so registering now will ensure your place at the event.

PAX Australia is run by U.S.-based gaming company Penny Arcade in conjunction with pop culture event specialists ReedPOP. Featuring a show packed with exhibitors, freeplay gaming spaces, industry and community panels, live concerts, international speakers, and exclusive reveals, PAX Aus caters to gamers of all types and abilities, so whether you’re a novice or a seasoned pro, it truly is the highlight of any gamer’s year.

“2015 was an award-winning year for PAX Australia — with sell-out crowds and top content across all gaming spectrums,” said Robert Khoo of Penny Arcade. “2016 is shaping up to be bigger, bolder and the best year yet for PAX — so get in early with badges before they sell out.”

PAX Aus also is supported by the Victorian Government and will once again feature as part of the Melbourne International Games Week.

PAX Australia 2016 is November 4-6, 2016, in Melbourne, Australia.

Q&A: Donna Prior Talks About OrcaCon, Games

Events for Gamers normally covers computer and consoles game industry events but has been eager to grow into the vast board and card game industry for a while now. As its mission statement reflects, OrcaCon is a true games and geek convention that includes board and card games, role-playing games and miniatures. The inaugural event is in January 2016, and in this interview, Donna Prior talks about OrcaCon and games.

Q: OrcaCon is a cool name for an event! What does it stand for?

A: The name? It’s funny, because I’m always amused when non-Puget Sound folks ask “Why an Orca?” We’re surrounded by them up here, and we wanted to match the theme of the region.

What does OrcaCon itself stand for? Inclusivity and diversity in tabletop games. Welcoming all to the table, from brand new players to super experience tournament players. Our goal is to create a safe environment, where marginalized people are welcome and supported.

Donna Prior Talks About OrcaCon

Q: What drove your team to create OrcaCon, and is it just for card/board/RPG/miniatures fans?

A: A few things really. Basically, I created the convention I have always wanted to attend. At least, I hope I have. The idea came up at another convention, where a bunch of us were talking about how we missed having a convention in Snohomish County, which is north of Seattle. There isn’t a lot of opportunity for geeky gaming and nerding between Seattle and Vancouver. We’re more affordable and approachable than the giant conventions. A more intimate environment, and we are doing our best to keep all business local, from our convention T-shirts, to the beer sold at the hotel bar.

And yes, currently OrcaCon is all analog. Board games, card games, RPGs, miniatures, CCGs and such. Basically, non-digital games.

Q: Card and board games are a huge part of our own team’s game libraries. What are some of your favorites, and will they be available to play at OrcaCon?

A: Oh, gosh. My faves change all the time, as there are lots of amazing games coming out all the time. Right now, I’m a huge fan of X-Wing Miniatures, and I plan on bringing my Warmachine miniatures. For board/card games, I’m really into Splendor, Ticket to Ride, Hanabi, and just learned how to play Lords of Waterdeep. We probably have 300+ games in our personal collection. For RPGs, am currently playing a D&D 5th Edition Forgotten Realms game, and just wrapped up a great Hunter: The Vigil game, which is transitioning to Changling: The Lost.

OrcaCon board games

We’ll have heaps of games to play, both on our schedule and in our open play library. Our friends at Card Kingdom are sponsoring our Game Library, and our Play and Win is supported by The Envoy Program by Double, Exposure.

Q: The panel lineup looks great! The last one on the event’s website is “Game & Geek Events in the Pacific Northwest.” How strong is the card/board game community in the area?

A: It’s huge! The Pacific Northwest has the largest group of tabletop game companies in one area. From large companies like Wizards of the Coast and Paizo, to smaller ones like Cheapass Games and Green Ronin Publishing. There is a large indie dev crowd here, too. Plus we have distributors such as GTS. If you do a search of, there are game and geek meetups every night of the week. From general games groups to specialized groups such as Queer Geek Seattle, Inclusive Geekery, GeekGirlCon Social Meetups. Sometimes it is hard to pick just one game night, as there are numerous all over town. And finally, we have numerous pubs, bars, coffee houses, libraries who support game nights and geeky crafting meetups.


Q: There’s huge potential to meet a celebrity at these kind of events. Which ones can attendees expect to find at OrcaCon? Will we see any famous board game designers there?

A: Well, that’s kinda funny to those of us who work in tabletop. There are very few “famous” type people in tabletop. There are recognizable names, to be sure. Our Games Guest of Honor is Chris Pramas, CEO of Green Ronin Publishing. Our Artist Guest of Honor is Linda “Brasse” Carlson, who is not only an amazing artist and goat rancher, but the director of community at Trion Worlds. We have numerous special guests, but we have even more folks who will be doing panels, workshops and running demos of their games.

Q: How are volunteers critical in the event’s success, and what can we expect for volunteer opportunities in 2016?

A: We have a core staff of volunteers and a small group of volunteers who will be helping to keep things going smoothly. I wouldn’t be able to do all this amazing stuff if it wasn’t for their support. The leadership positions actually went very fast, because there are so many great local conventions and folks who like to run them. Most of my staff volunteers are PAX Enforcers and/or GDC Conference Associates, the cream of the crop of volunteers, as it were.

OrcaCon volunteers

Q: What else can attendees look forward to for the inaugural event in January 2016?

A: Games. Games. Games. We’ll have some amazing panels and workshops, which you can see on our Programming page. We’ve hand-picked some fantastic artist, crafters and game retailers, which can be found on our Dealers Hall page. We’re featuring numerous local conventions, charities and other organizations in our Community Row. Finally, we are keeping things local and fresh, with the addition of Blackfish Stout, brewed by Edmonds local, Salish Sea Brewing. You’ll be able to buy this special beer, made just for OrcaCon, in the hotel bar.

Q: Thanks for letting Events for Gamers attend as guests for the full experience of OrcaCon!

A: Thanks so much for the questions and allowing me to gush over OrcaCon! We’re super stoked about our first convention and have already signed for OrcaCon 2.0, which will be focused on race and accessibility in tabletop games.

Be sure to visit the official OrcaCon website for more information.

Norwegian Game Jam Ready to Make Big SPLASH


Planes, trains, buses: What do these modes of mass transit have in common? Game jams and hackathons have taken place on these vehicles, so why not on a boat, too? That’s what SPLASH 2016 aims to achieve in early 2016.

Game jams are events in which games are designed and developed in a short period of time, in this case from start to finish during a short cruise.

Over the course of two days, beginning evening February 19, 2016, in Tromsø in Norway, a Hurtigruten cruise ship will ferry dozens of game creators to the city of Trondheim by February 22, 2016. SPLASH 2016, a Norwegian game jam, will be within the Arctic Circle, so it will be a wintry experience, cutting through Nordic waters among beautiful fjords.

According to an official news release, SPLASH “is a collaboration between the two game networks, Framverk and Hamar Game Collective, with the goal of creating a more connected games industry in Norway while also strengthening their ties to the game dev scene in the rest of the world.” Nordic countries have certainly plenty of indie game development and are no stranger to game jams (i.e., the influential Nordic Game Jam).

As a matter of fact, the Norwegian game jam SPLASH team mentioned they were influenced by another mobile game jam.

“We were inspired by the Train Jam that travels every year from Chicago to San Francisco with participants for the Game Developers Conference,” said Runa Haukland with Hamar Game Collective, one of the organizers of SPLASH.

Such a distinctive venue for a unique sort of a game jam is bound to get attention, and so far, SPLASH certainly has. According to Henriette Myrlund, SPLASH organizer and project manager at Framverk, all available tickets — going to 100 participants from 19 nationalities — sold out in a span of 10 minutes when they went on sale December 3, 2015. Also helping to spur tickets sales are subsidized cruise ship tickets; attendees pay $90 for an experience organizers estimate at $450. However, participants will be responsible for transit to and from the start and finish of the location.

Currently, a wait list is online for additional interested potential game jammers. Organizers say that with additional sponsors, more may be able to attend.

Events for Gamers will be sure to follow developments and news from the SPLASH game jam camp.

Gen Con 2016 Expands to Lucas Oil Stadium


It’s usually a good sign for an event organizer when their event grows year over year. With Gen Con, which saw a unique attendance in 2015 of more than 61,000 attendees and almost 197,000 overall visits (turnstile attendance), the event has grown for six years straight and a more than doubling in attendance since 2010. Figuring out how to host a lot of attendees, exhibitors and live events in one space is a challenge. The solution? Organizers have decided that next year, Gen Con 2016 expands to Lucas Oil Stadium.

Lucas Oil Stadium is the home of the NFL’s Indianapolis Colts. The stadium connects via a walkway to the Indiana Convention Center, where Gen Con has been traditionally.

From the official announcement, Adrian Swartout, Gen Con CEO and owner said: “Gen Con has grown to host nearly 200,000 turnstile attendees, and it is evident that we have to accelerate our growth plans to meet attendee, exhibitor and event organizer demand. Expansion into Lucas Oil Stadium allows Gen Con to keep offering more gaming, exhibition and entertainment options each year.”

One of the events to be moved to the stadium is True Dungeon, a popular staple at Gen Con. It is a live action role-playing, dungeon-crawl experience, with atmospheric locations and immersive, intensive live-action gaming. One of the benefits of the change in location, according to the True Dungeon organizers, is “tak(ing) advantage of a massive dividing wall to completely isolate the darker adventure area from the brighter lit (and more noisy) coaching area. The better control of light and sound ‘pollution’ will greatly aid us in providing a better lit coaching room experience while keeping the adventure areas more dramatically lit.”

The relocation, apparently, will equate to about the same distance from the Gen Con expo hall, as it was in 2015.

More news will be announced in the coming months about other Gen Con events being hosted or relocated to Lucas Oil Stadium. Rolling Out Launch Party for ‘World of Tanks’ on PS4


One by one,’s “World of Tanks” has taken on most of the major games platforms. The popular tank combat massively multiplayer online (MMO) game began life on the PC, moved to mobile and Xbox 360 in 2014, and most recently, the Xbox One this summer. Next up: the PlayStation 4, on the way for 2016. Each of these major roll-outs was led by a big bash to celebrate the game’s arrival on the new platform, and by extension, the community. This time is no different as will be hosting a launch party for “World of Tanks” on PS4. More on the party in a minute, after a few details about the game.

The PS4 version of “World of Tanks” is slated to offer both platform-tailored and custom content for Sony’s current-gen console, according to TJ Wagner, project lead at, in a September 2015 PlayStation blog announcement.

On the platform-focused side, look for Dualshock 4 controller support, share play, PS Vita remote play, live streaming, free-to-play for PlayStation Account holders and more. On the custom content side, new maps, skins and more. PlayStation Plus members will have access to further new content and deals. For the more otaku fans of tanks and anime, there will even be exclusive Girls und Panzer content and themes at launch.

Taking place in San Francisco, The World of Tanks PlayStation 4 Party promises open beta gaming of the PS4 version of “World of Tanks,” food, drinks and giveaways with the developers.

As timing goes, it’s logical this launch party will take place on the eve of the PlayStation Experience 2015 event, which will be December 5-6, 2016, in San Francisco.

To register for the launch party for “World of Tanks” on PS4, swing by and visit the official sign-up page. Keep in mind that even if you sign up and are able to go, only the first 150 folks attending will be allowed in.

Lenova to Host Streaming Session at Insomnia56 for Game State


Lenovo is banding together with a slew of developers to create a game that combines heroes, tower defense strategies and science fiction. Along with game developers, fans also can help design the game. Lenovo will host a one-hour streaming session at Insomnia56 to get people engaged in the idea.

The project, called Game State, is between Lenovo and Dark Rift Entertainment. Nerdist, Geek and Sundry, Inside Gaming, Machinima, Felica Day, Funhaus and Rooster Teeth.

There will be four development levels over the course of four months. The first level in November consists of game developers working on story ideas, game title and missions. Scopes and tools will be worked on during the second level in December. For level three, the developers will take care of music, colors, sound effects, skins and demos. The developers will show off game previews and demonstrations for the final stage in February.

Insomnia56 takes place December 11-14, 2015, in Birmingham, England.

SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 in Japan Presents Balance, Harmony Between Disruptive Innovation, New Technologies


The following is an edited press release from SIGGRAPH Asia 2015:

The most creative and eminent computer graphics and interactive techniques pioneers came together in Japan for the eighth edition of Asia’s biggest gathering of digital innovations, which focused on a combination of revolutionary and evolutionary ideas, concepts and technologies

The Kobe Convention Center was bustling with activity as it played host to Asia’s premier graphics, animation, art and technology event November 2-5, 2015. SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 brought together more than 7,000 computer graphics professionals, technologists, researchers, enthusiasts and trade visitors hailing from 49 countries across the globe.

SIGGRAPH Asia once again proved itself to be one of the leading platforms for computer graphics and interactive techniques, featuring distinguished pioneers including E. Wes Bethel, Lawrence Berkeley; Kwan Liu Ma, University of California, Davis; Scott Ross, VFX pioneer and ex CEO/founder of Digital Domain; Steven Feiner, Columbia University; Takeo Kanade, Carnegie Mellon University; and Tomoyuki Nishita, The University of Tokyo.

More than 500 speakers delivered over 150 presentations, panel discussions and talks, generating robust discussions and deep insights on current and future developments in the fields of computer graphics and interactive techniques.

SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 also featured the latest hardware, software, technologies and inventions from around the world, attracting top names and organizations from both within and outside of Asia, including Amazon Web Services, Digital Hollywood Japan, Forum 8, Google, Intel Corporation, Isotropix, Khronos Group, Multi-plAtform Game Innovation Centre (MAGIC) – Nanyang Technological University Singapore, Pixar Animation Studios, Polygon Magic and Tokyo Designer Gakuin College, to name a few.

“The team at SIGGRAPH Asia, including our sponsors, supporters, presenters, contributors, exhibitors, reviewers, juries and volunteers came together to put up a fantastic show this year. I am confident that visitors enjoyed the rich number of affiliated programs we organized this year, along with more than 150 presentations that took place across all four days. SIGGRAPH Asia is truly the gathering for the most creative and distinguished computer graphics and interactive techniques professionals. It gives me great honor to be a part of this year’s edition in Japan,” said Yoshifumi Kitamura, conference chair for SIGGRAPH Asia 2015.

Highlights from SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 include:

Technical Papers Fast Forward gave attendees an entertaining and illuminating summary of this year’s submissions in an exciting two-hour session. Authors of the papers wowed the crowd with their concepts and results, enticing the audience to attend their complete paper presentations at the Technical Papers sessions. A paper, “Real-Time Expression Transfer for Facial Reenactment,” presented by representatives/students/researchers from Max Planck Institut für Informatik, Stanford University and the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, showcased a method for the real-time transfer of facial expressions from an actor in a source video to an actor in a target video, which enables the ad-hoc control of the facial expressions of the target actor.

The Computer Animation Festival continued to impress the audience with a showcase of stunning works spanning the disciplines of visual effects, animation, research and development, games and education. A series of panels and talks were organized in line with the Computer Animation Festival’s aim to bring in the most talented and elite computer graphics experts to go through the processes and techniques used to create the compelling content featured in blockbuster films from the past year as well as upcoming releases.

Audiences were treated to a behind-the-scenes look at animated features such as “Big Hero 6,” “Inside Out” and upcoming releases “Sanjay’s Super Team” and “The Good Dinosaur.” VFX Pioneer Scott Ross also presented a session on “VFX… The History and Business of the Industry.” The Electronic Theater featured a two-hour showcase of the best animations, visual effects and scientific visualizations produced over the last year. Some of the must-see works presented included scenes from fantasy adventure film “The Hobbit: Battle of Five Armies,” action role-playing game “The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt,” as well as CAF award winners “Afternoon Class, Chase Me” and “Natural Attraction.”

The keynote presentations were delivered on the opening and closing days of the conference. Ronnie del Carmen, co- director of the animated feature, “Inside Out,” from Pixar Animation, captivated the audience with his journey to Pixar and his learnings from developing the story of “Inside Out.” Sharing anecdotes from his life, including his inspirations, his previous work on renowned films such as “Up,” “Finding Nemo” and the animated TV series, “Batman: The Animated Series,” del Carmen highlighted the importance of storytelling in animation and collecting inspirations from everyday life events.

The second keynote speaker, Satoshi Tadokoro, research professor at Tohoku University and project manager at the Japan Cabinet Office ImPACT Project, shared with the audience his experiences in the use of robotics systems for disaster response and recovery, and showcased some of his work with state-of-the-art disaster robotics and its applications. Some of the examples he touched upon included the robot Quince, known for its aid in restarting a cooling system in the The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, and Kenaf, which is able to map out areas that may be inaccessible to humans and also point out obstacles in such areas. In his Keynote, Doctor Tadokoro emphasized the challenges faced by researchers and scientists in successful implementation of disaster robotics in mainstream scenarios, and he also shared the field’s goals including reduction of global disaster morality by 2030.

The Emerging Technologies and Art Gallery programs introduced visitors to intriguing installations aimed at showcasing the lighter side of technology applications and human-computer interaction.

Emerging Technologies showcased the latest interactive and graphics technologies in the 3D, virtual reality and projection mapping industries. This year’s Emerging Technologies Program was a true cross-section of science, technology, and art. Audiences were fascinated by 30 hands-on demonstrations that expand the limits of current display technologies, exciting new hardware that enable sophisticated and nuanced user input, innovative interaction techniques that enable more complex interaction with application data and functionality, as well as excellent examples of haptics developed to support multi-/cross-modality scenarios.

The program also announced the top two demonstrations based on audience and committee vote – the Best Demo Award as voted by Audience went to Ketsuro-Graffiti: A Canvas With Computer Generated Water Condensation by Yuki Tsujimoto, Yuichi Itoh and Takao Onoye from the Graduate School Of Information Science And Technology, Osaka University, while the Best Demo Award as voted by Committee went to FVisiOn: Interactive Glasses-Free Tabletop 3D Images Floated By Conical Screen And Modular Projector Arrays by Shunsuke Yoshida from the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), Japan.

Ketsuro-Graffiti is a novel canvas that shows images with computer generated water condensation and enables users to touch them freely. Users can write or apply graffiti with their fingers on a pattern of water generated condensation. The proposed system basically consists of peltier devices, an array of heat conductive actuators, and a display surface.

The “fVisiOn” project provides virtual 3D media naturally alongside real media without the need for special glasses. Its design concept floats full-color 3D images of a 360°-view onto an empty, floating tabletop surface. Many people can naturally share the experience and enjoy the dancing 5-cm-tall 3D characters on the table.

Eighteen curated pieces of art that integrated craft techniques and contemporary digital design were highlighted in the Art Gallery. Themed Life on Earth?, the program this year invited visitors to experience and interact with art works and installations that utilize digital technology including visual and sound works, augmented-reality installations, as well as performances. Notable installations (from left to right) included At Home With Others, Conglomerate Distortions, S>HE<R and To Afar The Water Flows.

The Exhibition floor offered conference attendees a glimpse of innovative future tech that could soon see uses in the commercial and consumer space. Visitors were blown away by the wide range of newly developed systems, as well as novel applications of existing technology. Exhibitors this year included Live2D, a program that allows artists to easily capture and import 2D illustrations into 3D animations as well as an area for the Kobe City Government’s very own displays, where visitors were treated to talks about the development of Kobe as a leader in the field of IT.

The Symposium on Education hosted various sessions, including education research, panel talks and hands-on workshops. Artists from Pixar Animation Studios’ “Inside Out” hosted a Student Focus Session, “Pixar’s Abstract Thought – educational journeys from ‘Inside Out’ artists,” wherein they shared with audiences, a bulk of whom were students, their educational backgrounds and journey to Pixar. The future challenges of human resource development efforts in the digital content field within Asia was a key discussion point in the panel session, “Tomorrow’s digital content leaders in Asia,” which was moderated by Shuzo John Shiota, CEO of Polygon Pictures and chairman for the Computer Animation Festival, along with Miho Aoki, the chairman for the Symposium of Education.

Showcasing some of the leading research and development in mobile gaming, graphics, interaction techniques and augmented reality, the Symposium on Mobile Graphics and Interactive Applications offered visitors the opportunity to a firsthand look at some of the exciting developments in mobile technology. Audiences were thrilled by “JoggAR”, a novel framework to manage wearable visual, audio and sensing technology that enables a game-like persistent augmented reality (AR) environment suitable for enhancing jogging and other exertion-based experiences.

At a special talk presented at the Symposium on Visualization in High Performance Computing program, Dr. Hirofumi Seo, CEO and president of Sciement Inc., shared with attendees the intricacies of data-specific visualization, using insights from his project, the UT-Heart. The symposium also organized a contest inviting participants to showcase live demonstrations of open data visualization. The Best Demo was awarded to Kiri Nakata and Tsuyoshi Tatsukawa, who showcased a visualization of cell divisions of embryos as a binary tree that also could serve to detect similar processes from two different sets of data.

The ninth annual conference, SIGGRAPH Asia 2016, will be held December 5-8, 2016, in Macao at The Venetian Macao.

Looking forward to next year’s edition of SIGGRAPH Asia, Hongbo Fu, conference chair for SIGGRAPH Asia 2016, had the following to say: “SIGGRAPH is definitely the most prestigious forum in the field of computer graphics. Since the first introduction of SIGGRAPH into Asia in 2008, SIGGRAPH Asia has continued the great success of SIGGRAPH in North America, and has quickly become another platform for publishing top-notch graphics research. It not only exposes local people or industries in Asia to many cutting-edge technologies, but it also provides a more direct platform for Asian graphics researchers to exchange new ideas with international researchers.

At SIGGRAPH Asia 2016, we will have Computer Animation Festival, Courses, Emerging Technologies, Posters, and Technical Papers. All of them have been successfully inherited from SIGGRAPH North America. After several years’ of development, SIGGRAPH Asia has also developed its own outstanding and reputable programs. We are pleased to continue offering Technical Briefs, Symposium on Education, Symposium on Mobile Graphics and Interactive Applications, Symposium on Visualization and Workshops at SIGGRAPH Asia 2016. The theme of SIGGRAPH Asia 2016 is “Key to the Future,” since we strongly believe it is always important to keep rethinking the future of computer graphics by exploring new directions.

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