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Events for Gamers Exclusive Discount for LOGIN 2014


The LOGIN 2014 Conference is just a few short months away! Events for Gamers has been offered a 20% discount to attendees who sign up using the code “E4G”, which will knock the $150 early bird registration fee down to $120. Early bird registrations for LOGIN 2014 end on March 31st. This year, LOGIN is offering a one-day concentrated dose of content focused on Android, tablets and wearable technologies.

Also, please file this note away (but not for too long if you are a potential speaker), that the LOGIN 2014 call for speakers concludes on February 21st, 2014 5PM PST.

To read more about the conference, registration and more, follow this link to the Eventbrite page (with the discount included).


GDC 2014 adds new QA Summit talks from Google and 5th Planet

From Gamasutra: Game Developers Conference 2014 organizers have revealed a few new QA Summit talks for its March conference, including sessions explaining how to launch your own QA department, how to test mobile apps the Google way, and much more.

These talks are part of the QA Summit, one of eight that will take place Monday, March 17 and Tuesday, March 18 at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, CA during the first two days of GDC 2014.

As part of the Summit, 5th Planet Games CTO David Lease is giving an interesting talk about how studios can benefit by bringing their fans deeper into the quality assurance process. In his session, titled QA via the Masses: Tapping into Player Enthusiasm to Improve QA, Lease plans to highlight the positive side of exposing the design, development and QA testing of your game to your greatest fans. The idea is that more transparency will make your community feel more involved with your project while lightening your workload, and Lease plans to use examples from 5th Planet Games’ portfolio to show how you can pull it off.

Full CES 2014 session videos now available

We’re compiling a list of key CES 2014 videos on our YouTube channel. Visit to watch the playlist! Here’s the first video:

Global Game Jam 2014 Highlights


From Out of one quote sprouts a thousand themes. Bias. Perspective. Privilege. Attributed sometimes to memoirist Anaïs Nin, other times the Jewish Talmud, a negotiation expert, a priest, the mysterious quote has found its way into 2014 as the theme for this year’s Global Game Jam.

This past weekend, all around the world, people gathered in their respective cities and homes to celebrate a shared love of game development. 48 hours to create a game, from scratch, with the only rule being it must represent the theme.

Some games follow the theme strictly, yet gracefully. Others seem to stray, though that’s also a matter of interpretation. Regardless, this weekend spawned thousands of awesome new games for the world to enjoy, and below is but a small collection of some of our favorites.

Read more here:

Gen Con Indy 2014 Badge and Housing Support

Badge and Housing Support
As many attendees are aware, both Gen Con 2014 badge Pre-Registration and hotel registration opened earlier this week. Both launches began with enormous interest, setting all-new opening day records.

Yesterday, the Gen Con team released an announcement detailing the rapid sellout of the 2014 housing block, talking about the process for those with technical issues, and suggesting a few housing alternatives outside of traditional housing block options. To read that announcement in its entirety, please click here. Gen Con will continue to post housing alternative ideas for 2014, including today’s link to Area Hotels, which may have their own housing inventories.

As a follow-up to that email, Q-Rooms, Gen Con’s official housing partner, has received thousands of Wait List requests and will be closing the 2014 Wait List to further expansion due to its current size. Wait List requests are being processed in the order in which they were received, beginning with those placed at noon on January 28. Those that requested Wait List rooms will not be contacted unless they have reached the top of the list and are in-line to receive their room request.

Q-Rooms’ staff also is continuing to follow up on technical questions and duplicate purchasing issues submitted via voice mail and email. With additional emails submitted yesterday and today, they hope to respond to all open questions by mid-week, next week.

For those with badge Pre-Registration questions or non-block-related housing questions, please email

Industry Insider Guests of Honor Requests for Consideration Opening February 4

Are you an active, passionate member of the game industry? Are you interested in participating in informative seminars and panels during Gen Con 2014?

If so, then you may be a great fit for Gen Con’s Industry Insider Guest of Honor program!

Requests for Consideration will be reviewed by the Industry Insider Guest of Honor Advisory Panel. Expanded in 2014, the panel includes five members of the game industry in divergent fields. Members include Matt Forbeck, Kenneth Hite, Stan!, Nicole Lindroos, and Eric Lang. The IIGoH request form will open on February 4 and stay open through March 4, 2014. Only a limited number of spots are available. All requests will be responded to following the completion of the process.

Industry Insiders receive a complimentary Guest of Honor 4-Day badge, a picture and biography featured on website and in the 2014 Program Book, among other perks.

To get more information on the program, check out when the program opens on February 4.

Accepting Artist and Author Applications Soon

In addition to Industry Insider Guests of Honor Requests for Consideration opening soon, applications to the Art Show and Authors’ Avenue will open on February 4 at noon (Eastern) as well.
Each year, the Art Show features prominent fantasy, sci-fi, and gaming artists from around the world. To learn more about the Art Show, click here.
A great place for those in the writing profession to network and meet with their fans, Authors’ Avenue is designed for independent authors and small press publishers in genre fiction. For more information on Authors’ Avenue, click here.

Please make sure to read the Policies & Guidelines document for either area before you apply on February 4.  Some 2014 changes may affect you.

Gen Con 2014 Merchandise
Dragon Shirt
Gen Con’s official merchandise partner Offworld Designs now has a selection of 2014 items in their online store! You can check them out here.

Last year’s dragon design proved so popular, the Offworld team has created an all-new variant on that item. Both dragon t-shirts are currently available at the above link. Note: Image above may vary slightly from final design. There also is a new deluxe messenger bag to carry your gaming loot.

Show up to Gen Con 2014 in your official brand-new gear!

Shuttle Pass Discount
Looking to connect your hotel to downtown Indy? Have questions about the shuttle? With additional coverage options in 2014 and single-day passes available, GO Express Travel has listened to your feedback from the 2013 convention, and they are happy to provide an affordable travel solution for Gen Con attendees. For more information, go to or read the announcement press release here.

IMPORTANT DISCOUNT INFORMATION: Traveling with a large group or with your family? Any online purchase of $150.00 (three show-long passes) is eligible for a 10% discount. This promotional deal is a “thank you” to those staying at suburban properties, and was proposed by Gen Con fans. To receive this promotion, please use the exclusive discount code: Gen Con Family.

If you have trouble signing up, questions, or want to learn more, email

DICE Summit 2014: 5 Presentations to See

From Highwinds: Interactive art takes center stage at the annual DICE Summit and D.I.C.E Awards show next week in Las Vegas. The event, held at the Las Vegas Hard Rock and Casino Hotel, brings the worldwide interactive entertainment community together; recognizing outstanding achievements in the interactive arts and sciences. The event runs February 4-7.

Highwinds will be in attendance and would love to meet with you. To learn more about Highwinds or to schedule a meeting, click here.

Here are five sessions that we recommend for our customers:

1.) The Human Brain is the Platform – Gaming in the New Golden Age

Presentation by: Hilmar Veigar Petursson, CEO – CCP Games

2.) No Holding Back: A Look at Independent Game Development During Three Years of Vlambeer

Presentation by: Rami Ismail, Business & Development – Vlambeer

3.) A Renaissance of Gaming or Just More of the Same?

Panel: Eugene Jarvis, CEO – Raw Thrills
Mark Cerny, President – Cerny Games

Moderator: Mark Turmell, Sr. Creative Director – Zynga

4.) Staying Humble. Avoiding the Cultural Pitfalls of Traditional Entertainment

Presentation by: Andrew Sheppard, President – Kabam Game Studios

5.) Virtual Reality: The Road Ahead

Presentation: Palmer Luckey, Founder – Oculus VR

Brendan Iribe, President – Oculus VR

Highwinds will be tweeting live from the event. Follow @highwinds on Twitter.

Information courtesy of DICE Summit 2014 and Highwinds.

Flagship GDC 2014 Parties Seeking Sponsorship


Winter is coming — or rather, it’s already here, so GDC 2014 must be just around the corner. With the approach of  what is arguably the game industry’s best known conference is the announcement of events to pack the calendars outside San Francisco’s Moscone Convention Center. A pair of GDC parties that are very familiar to veteran GDC-goers are sending up signal flares that they are seeking sponsorship support and that it’ll soon be time to save the date.

Women in Games International

“Save the date & Call for Sponsors! 7th Annual Women in Games International GDC Networking Party.

WIGI’s most exclusive event of the year and one of the best networking opportunities at GDC!!!! WIGI’s Annual GDC Networking Party offers sponsors tremendous exposure to decision makers as they mix and mingle in a fun, relaxed, intimate gallery environment.”

F2P Forum

“Organizing my annual GDC SF party, and realized it will be my SEVENTH year hosting. We are the longest running continuous event at GDC SF!!

On that note, we have sponsorship opportunities for our event open! Please message me if you or your company is interested in participating as a sponsor,” said Mary Min, of the F2P Forum.

Last year the the GDC party was sponsored by a collection of highly visible companies involved in the free-to-play and monetization space here. To reach out for sponsorship information, click contact the organizer link on the Eventbrite page and request information from Mary about the 2014 F2P Forum party.



The Pirates of Silicon Valley Cruise Party Announced for GDC 2014


Peanut Labs has announced that its annual cruise party, renown for ferrying the movers and shakers of Silicon Valley around the San Francisco Bay in a truly exclusive party on the water, has set its sails for GDC 2014. In recent years, this well-known event has featured a distinctive pirate theme, DJ, dancing, an open bar, majestic views of familiar sites in and around San Francisco — and, of course, excellent networking with hundreds of folks in social, mobile and gaming businesses.

The Pirates of Silicon Valley Cruise Party 2014

The organizers have promised new surprises for this particular event, since they are extending it to a new and larger audience of developers and business people at GDC — but for now, these changes and twists on the event are being kept under wraps.

To find out more details, feel free to browse the event at this Eventbrite link here. You may also note that this event, in keeping with its attendee exclusivity, features an exclusive price tag of $600 to join the seafaring GDC conference-goers. If you have any pirate booty in hiding, now might be a good time to dig it up and sign up!

How to Build Trust with Anyone – An Interview with Behavioral Expert, Robin Dreeke

The Community Manager chats with Robin Dreeke, Behavioral Expert at the FBI. He shares his insite into why people act the way they do, and how to anticipate community behaviors and build a lasting trust:

1. I gave you a brief intro but tell us more about your career.
Let me start by first stating that what most people need to say when working primarily for the gov… the standard disclaimer. These are my thoughts and opinions alone and not those of the FBI and that I am here as myself and author of my book.

My career with the USG is approaching my 27th year. I have had many jobs between my time in the Marine Corps to those in the FBI. In every job I have had the most important aspect to success has been strong interpersonal / leadership skills and team (community) building. In the last number of years I was fortunate to have the opportunity to write and teach what I had learned throughout my lifetime of trials and fantastic errors.

I was very fortunate to have amazing mentors and people in my life who modeled the interpersonal behaviors that I was desperately lacking. Like most of us, I wanted to be successful at my job and I focused on those skills to better understand them in an attempt to add them to who I was… and now I’m here 🙂

Read more at The Community Manager

Global Game Jam 2014 Keynote Presentation


Check out the Global Game Jam 2014 Keynote video featuring Richard Lemarchand, Kaho Abe and Jenova Chen. “I believe that experimental game design is at the heart of what makes games great” – Lemarchand

Sixth annual Global Game Jam kicks off around the world


From Gamasutra: Today marks the first day of the sixth annual Global Game Jam, in which thousands of developers from over fifty countries are expected to participate in a 48-hour design challenge over the coming weekend.

At 5 PM in each time zone, Global Game Jam participants will be given a theme for this year’s challenge. Past years’ themes have included “the rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain” (2010) and an image of Ouroboros, a snake eating its own tail (2012). Participation has surged in the last several years, growing from 6,500 participants in 2011 to an expected 17,000 participants from 66 countries in this year’s jam. It remains one of the most popular game jams in the world.

Global Game Jam co-founder and president Susan Gold will be in attendance at the jam’s Northeastern University location, where Gold serves as a professor in game design. A former leader of the International Game Developers Association (IGDA) and present member of the SIGGRAPH Education Committee, Gold’s goals when co-founding the jam in 2009 (alongside fellow game design educators Ian Schreiber and Gorm Lai) were to create an environment where “any idea has merit,” according to a university representative.

“The GGJ is truly an event where students have the opportunity to gain real-life experience,” continued the Northeastern representative. “The event [has grown] into an international phenomenon that encourages game development, creativity, and collaboration, and connects game enthusiasts of all levels — from professionals to novices.”

This year’s video keynote addresses will be delivered by Jenova Chen (developer, Journey), Kaho Abe (educator, NYU-Poly) and Richard Lemarchand (educator, University of Southern California). You can find out more about this year’s speakers from the GGJ website.

Lastly, while it’s too late to register your own chapter, if you’re interested in participating in this year’s Global Game Jam there is a good chance you can find a location among the 489 globally registered jam sites. And be sure to follow the jam’s official Twitter hashtag, #GGJ14.

Read more at Gamasutra:

Gen Con Indy Pre-Registration Opens on January 26

Badge Pre-Registration is just around the corner! Never registered for a badge before? Check out the informational video at this link or check out the video link below:

How to Buy Your Gen Con 2014 Badge:

Dragon Shirt

Gen Con’s official merchandise partner Offworld Designs now has a selection of 2014 items in their online store! You can check them out here.

Last year’s dragon design proved so popular, the Offworld team has created an all-new variant on that item. Both dragon t-shirts are currently available at the above link. Note: Image above may vary slightly from final design. There also is a new deluxe messenger bag to carry your gaming loot.

Show up to Gen Con 2014 in your official brand-new gear!

Housing Tips for Gen Con 2014

Gen Con Housing opens on January 28, 2014, at noon (Eastern), two days after Badge Pre-Registration begins. Rooms book extremely fast with downtown properties typically selling out within hours on opening day. While inventory may open up periodically throughout the year, your best opportunity to get downtown housing is on January 28.

Here are the five most key things to know about booking your room:

1) You must have a housing access code to book a room in the Gen Con housing block. The booking limit is one room per badge. You will need to purchase a badge in order to obtain a housing access code. Pre-Registration opens on January 26, 2014. Attendees are entitled to one room reservation per badge. If you and your family need more than one room, adults in your party need to purchase as many badges as the number of rooms needed.

2) Rooms are sold on a first-come, first-serve basis in real time. You can self-book rooms online or contact an agent for assistance by calling 317-912-1420. *Note last week’s newsletter had a transposed number. It has since been corrected on Please use this number.* All room inventory is available through the online booking portal. You will have approximately 10 minutes to complete your billing information from the time you select a room before your session times out, releasing the room back into general inventory. Have your credit card ready before you go online!

3) Call center agents have access to the same inventory that’s selling online in real time. Due to extremely high call volume on opening day, callers may have to wait several minutes before connecting with an agent. Please DO NOT delay online booking while trying to reach a housing agent by phone or email. Book the room that best meets your criteria online.

4) The Gen Con Housing Wait List grows quickly and is also processed in real time. Calling an agent to request a place on the wait list on opening day will result in obtaining a lower placement than applying by email. While waiting to connect to an agent, other email requests arrive ahead of your request. When you apply via email, the housing agent receives a time-stamped message containing the proper email address to reach you. If you forget to leave other important details, the agent will inform you when replying to your request (see next tip).

5) When applying for the Wait List by email, you should include the following information: Your housing access code, your first and last name, a phone number and/or email address where you can be reached between the hours of 9 AM and 6 PM (Eastern), your preferred hotel, your preferred room type, and your preferred check-in and check-out dates. If you already booked a room as a contingency, please include the acknowledgment number with your Wait List request. Agents need all of this information. If you booked another room in the block and later obtain your preferred room choice, there will be no fee for changing your reservation and canceling the original booking.

As announced last week at, shuttle service provider GO Express Travel has extended their agreement to provide travel solutions at Gen Con 2014. With additional coverage options in 2014 and single-day passes available, GO Express Travel has listened to your feedback from the 2013 convention, and they are happy to provide an affordable travel solution for Gen Con attendees. For more information, go to or read the press release here.

IMPORTANT DISCOUNT INFORMATION: Traveling with a large group or with your family? Any online purchase of $150.00 (three show-long passes) is eligible for a 10% discount. This promotional deal is a “thank you” to those staying at suburban properties, and was proposed by Gen Con fans. To receive this promotion, please use the exclusive discount code: Gen Con Family.

If you have trouble signing up, questions, or want to learn more, email

Read more at the Gen Con Indy newsletter:

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