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HomeConference NewsAugust 2021 Game Industry Events Calendar

August 2021 Game Industry Events Calendar

July was chock-full of all sorts of great events to attend, and it’s looking like August is going to be the same! We’ve seen an interesting mix of online, on-site, and now hybrid events that combine the best of both worlds. What will stick long-term? We bet on virtual staying for many events, but hybrid has a lot of potential too. On-site will of course eventually make a strong comeback, but not this year.

To help you discover upcoming game industry events calendar that includes conferences, conventions, festivals and many other types of events, we post a consolidated list here on Events for Gamers each month.

View this month’s event list below. You can also click here for the main calendar view that includes events into 2022 and beyond.

Please note that due to world circumstances, some events that are listed as having a location are, at least for the meantime, online in some form. We expect the accuracy here to resolve soon as we reach into 2022.

JUL 26-AUG 6: Global Game Jam Next (Online)
JUL 30-AUG 2: ChinaJoy
AUG 2-6: Foundations of Digital Games (Online)
AUG 7-8: Play NYC
AUG 9-13: SIGGRAPH (Online)
AUG 12-13: Pocket Gamer LaunchPad #5 (Online)
AUG 13-15: Gameacon
AUG 19-21: QuakeCon (Online)
AUG 20-22: Southern-Fried Gaming Expo
AUG 21-22: Melbourne Esports Open
AUG 21-22: Flame Con
AUG 21-22: WasabiCon PDX
AUG 22-24: Hot Chips 33 (Online)
AUG 23-27: MeetToMatch Conference (Online)
AUG 24-26: CEDEC (Online)
AUG 25-27: Games For Good (IGDA Featured, Online)
AUG 25-27: gamesacom (Online)
AUG 28-29: AVGC
AUG 28-29: WEGAME 6.0
AUG 31-SEP 2: Game Development Global Summit (Online)

This game industry events calendar list is obtained from the main calendar. Did we miss an event? Let us know! Also check out the Google version of the calendar.


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